Saturday, July 23, 2011

August 16th is fast approaching my life is going to be changing in so many ways

1. I will be moving to the other side of the earth- literally
2. I will be a teacher- crazy- I’ve never taught a day in my life
3. I will be living alone- for the first time ever- no more roommates- no more parents
4. I will look completely different from all the people around me
5. I will be living in a country with a completely different alphabet- nothing will make sense at first

That being said I’m really excited. I know that Suwon Korea is where I’m meant to be for the next year. I have to friends from UCF (Jamie and Tommy) that are there now- definitely going to make this experience so much better =)

I’m 22 years old and I will have lived on 3 continents- how awesome is that???

My whole life I wanted to be a teacher- never thought I’d actually do it though.
My whole life I wanted to travel the world- and I have been given the opportunities to do so. I'm so thankful.

I have 3 weeks left- I’m eating cheese like it’s going out of style. I’ve been told that there is no cheese in Korea- not sure how I am going to cope yet =/ I’m stocked up on $150 worth of deodorant, face wash, and toothpaste. I’ve been told those products are very different over there so I’m bringing a year’s supply- sorry but this is one aspect of travel where I don’t agree with the saying “when in Rome”. I’m also stocked up on spices so I can cook some meals at home.

Now the trick is putting all of this into 2- 50lbs bags…probably one of the biggest challenges I have ever faced. Korea has a climate very close to that of NYC- so I'm packing 4 seasons worth of cloths. A 3rd bag costs $100, which I have no problem paying- except I don’t want to be THAT American. What to do What to do....Pray for me as I pack my bags.

I will be gone a whole year- which is starting to sink in- I’m going to miss a Christmas, a Thanksgiving, a birthday, an Easter, a 4th of July- one of each. But I’m excited. It will be so worth it.

“Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true.” – Leon J. Suenes

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